welcome to Magway University


Life sciences

1.1Agricultural sciences/natural resources

  1.2Biological/biomedical sciences

1.3Health sciences


3.Computer and information sciences


5.Physical sciences


  5.2Atmospheric science and meteorology


  5.4Geological and Earth sciences


  5.6Ocean/marine sciences


7.Social sciences




  8.3Foreign languages and literature

  8.4Other humanities


  9.1Research and administration

  9.2Teacher education

  9.3Teaching fields

  9.4Other education

10.Business management/administration

The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Degree

Are you an experienced professional looking to enhance your leadership skills whilst developing new business strategies and solutions? If so, a Doctor of Business Administration could take your management career to the highest level.

The DBA is more than just a PhD in Business Administration. You won’t simply be developing new knowledge through academic research: you’ll be applying that knowledge to real-world business problems and documenting this process with your thesis.

This page explains how the DBA qualification works, who it’s intended for and what you can expect from a course. We’ve also looked at some of the key differences between a DBA and a PhD.

If you’d prefer to start looking at actual programmes, you can search for your ideal DBA project or programme right now.